What is your colour palette?

seasonal Colour Analysis studio sessions from £90


Did you know that by having your colours analysed with me it can save you money in the long run!?!?
How do I get my colours analysed so I can find my perfect seasonal colour palette?

Firstly drop me a line on 07972 124887 to make an appointment.  Prior to coming to the studio I will send you questionnaires and request you send me a few selfies so that I can gain some information before our session which will last between 1-1/1.5 hours.  To begin the session I will drape your neckline with many of my precision dyed drapes enabling me to discover ‘your’ seasonal palette of colours.  Once I have established your colours, we will spend time going through an array of colour drapes showing you just how radiant you look in them and how to utilise the colours in your outfits.

Why have your colours analysed by me?

I can show you how, by the use of colour, you can look amazing, appear healthier, make your eyes illuminate and amongst many other factors it can help with mental health.

Find your power colours and look amazing! Having your colours analysed is beneficial to both MALES and FEMALES!!
How will I remember which are my colour?

After the session you will recieve a precision dyed colour wallet which will prove extremely helpful when shopping for your wardrobe. In addition I will follow the session up with an email containing your colour report and a digital colour palette which you can download onto your phone so that you will always have your colours with you to make life easier.

Psychology behind the colours that you wear?

Along side the colour report that you recieve, I will send you some information about the psychology of colours so you can think about what colours to wear for different occasions. For example, did you know that the colour red is associated with passion, love, power, confidence and anger!.